Efecto de tres manejos de la vegetación sobre variables biofísicas en durazneros (Prunus persica (L.) Stokes) 'Dixiland'


Guillermo Long Bertinat
Vivian Severino


peach, organic mulch, herbicides, fruit quality, production, soil physical properties, richness of herbaceous


The present work was carried out during the 2020-2021 harvest in two orchard in the area of Colonia Valdense, Colonia. The objective was to value the mulch as an alternative tool to the control of spontaneous vegetation in the rows (VEF, by its acronym in Spanish) and its impact on fruit production, plant diversity, physical properties of the soil and the earthworm population. It was decided to carry out descriptive statistics of the management, given the complexity of carrying out an experimental design in the orchard already implanted. Three procedures were observed that have VEF control in common, although they differ in method. Management with mulch (M) consisted of the use of organic mulch (MCV, by its acronym in Spanish), management of mulch+chemical control (M+CQ, by its acronym in Spanish) in the combination of herbicides and MCV, and management with chemical control (CQ, by its acronym in Spanish) was based solely on in the application of herbicides. The M does not differ statistically with the M+CQ in quality and fruit production, and in the physical properties of the soil. It was found that M does not control perennial herbaceous plants, but increases the richness of herbaceous plants in the productive system. The M+CQ is the most efficient management in the control of the VEF. The CQ causes the deterioration of the physical properties of the soil and the loss of biodiversity. The presence of Common Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) was verified only in the handling with herbicides (M+CQ and CQ). The observations of the 2020-2021 harvest for these three VEF managements determine that it is possible to produce peaches in quantity and quality, reducing herbicides in the productive system.


2023 March 15