Evaluación de aplicaciones selectivas (WeedSeeker) en el control de malezas en barbecho


Felipe Berretta
Fernando Cibils
Joaquín Flores Reyes
Juana Villalba


selective application, WeedSeeker, weed


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of weed control in fallow fields through the application with WeedSeeker. To do this, in May of the year 2023, a mixture (glyphosate + saflufenacil) was applied, with three different weed detection sensitivities of the equipment, and a control treatment (conventional application).

The application took place in paddock 4B of the Mario Alberto Cassinoni Experimental Station (EEMAC), Faculty of Agronomy, Udelar, located in the Paysandú department. This application was carried out with herbicides and the tracer Brilliant Blue for the evaluation of deposition on the weeds. After the application, 20 plants from each treatment were collected, which were washed to determine the amount of tracer in the spectrophotometer. From the weight of the plants, the deposition per gram of weed dry matter was expressed. In addition, control evaluations were conducted through observations of damage on marked weeds. The treatment effect on weed deposition was not observed, but it was observed in weed control, with slightly lower control levels in the treatment with lower weed detection sensitivity.


2024 April 25