Actualización de la base de datos del programa Condición Corporal para la raza Hereford


Felipe Andiarena Salvioli
Nicolás Félix Gardiol Revello
Ana Carolina Espasandin


Cond_Corp, body condition (CC), Hereford


The objective of this work was to update the existing database of the Cond_Corp program for the Hereford breed. We proceeded to capture images with cellular phones, and their subsequent classification in the corresponding classifications, thus generating the database for the program.

The field work was carried out in the facilities of the Faculty of Agronomy of Paysandú (EEMAC). The cattle used were 177 Hereford breeding cows belonging to the breeding herd of the EEMAC. In this instance, an average of 10 photos were taken for each cow, where each one had its caravan recorded and when leaving the scale (place where the photos were taken) the three observers present diagnosed one CC per animal by visual appreciation.

Subsequently, the photos taken in the field were evaluated at the desk, selecting one for each body condition point (score from 2 to 6 every 0.25 units).

The folders (16) were added to the Cond_Corp program, adding a base of 177 images. From the total number of images, one for each point was selected to make the new visual appreciation primer, adding the intermediate scores (2, 2.5, 3 .... 6).

The updating of the image database as well as the updating of the primer are tools that contribute to help the producer in decision making in the management of breeding herds.


2024 April 26


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.