Caracterización de los productores del centro y litoral-norte del país en función de la adopción e implementación de los cultivos de servicio


Gerónimo Cidade la Greca
Francisco Malarini Chapuis
Virginia Courdin
Daiana Peloche


service crops, agricultural rotation, adoption of SC, erosion


Cover crops (CC) represent a technological innovation that involves the inclusion of various species in agricultural rotations, prioritizing the ecosystem and its services while maintaining the yields of cash crops. In Uruguay, since 2008, there has been a regulation requiring soils to remain covered to prevent water erosion, which is one of the main issues affecting sustainability in the country. However, the inclusion of these crops within agricultural rotations is heterogeneous, with different levels of adoption. The objective of this study was to characterize the farmers in the agricultural coastal region of Uruguay according to their level of adoption of cover crops. Specifically, the study analyzed individual variables related to the type of farmer, production system, and communication channels used, identifying patterns or trends in the collected data. A survey consisting of a series of questions reflecting variables of different natures (nominal, ordinal, continuous, categorical, discrete quantitative, nominal qualitative, binary qualitative) was conducted with 105 farmers in the region, associated with various social organizations. The information was systematized through univariate and multivariate analysis. Among the main results, it was found that the adoption of CC is partial and more common among larger-scale farmers, as these crops do not provide immediate economic returns. It was also observed that the majority of these farmers use non-owned land for production and that, although they have a background in agriculture, there is a marked trend toward diversifying production systems, primarily including livestock farming. Finally, it was confirmed that CC are not the main technological strategy adopted to meet the requirements of the Soil Use and Management Plans, as several farmers opt for other alternatives.


2024 July 2


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