Análisis de factores que determinan la variación en rendimiento de cultivos de cáñamo en el sur de Uruguay


Imanol Arismendes Sastre
Santiago Dogliotti
Cecilia Berrueta


Cannabis sp., yield, planting density, light interception, nutrients, regional agronomic diagnostic


The cultivation of Cannabis sp. has gained relevance in Uruguay following its decriminalization in 2014. This research aims to analyze the factors that determine yield variability in hemp crops in the southern region of the country during the 2021-22 and 2022-23 seasons. The study focuses on characterizing production systems oriented towards flower production with high CBD content and identifying the main factors influencing crop yield. To achieve this, the regional agronomic diagnostic methodology was applied. A sample of 21 companies was selected for the 2021-22 season, with 31 open-field crops and 10 greenhouse crops. For the 2022-23 season, 10 companies were included, with 12 open-field crops and 10 greenhouse crops. Information on the production system and available resources was collected on each farm. Additionally, for each crop, data on yield and determining, limiting, and reducing factors were recorded.

The results revealed significant variability in yields among different crops. The primary factors explaining this variability were individual plant yield, planting density, and radiation interception at the beginning of harvest. Higher planting density and higher foliar nutrient content were positively associated with yield. Furthermore, the sodium content in irrigation water and shoots showed a significant negative impact on yield.

This study is of great relevance given the limited scientific information available on hemp cultivation following its legalization, highlighting the need for further research to optimize production and improve hemp quality in the region.


2024 October 14


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