Evaluación del pastoreo en franjas matutina y vespertina frente a franjas de más de un día de ocupación sobre la producción de leche de vacas holando
plots, grazing, milk production, behavior, dry matter intake, cowsSynopsis
The objective of the present work was to study the effect in milk production and pasture production while submitted in different pasture allocations, the first treatment with daily allocations (TD) and the second treatment with 3 to 5 days allocation (TOL). The evaluation period was between October 1, 2020 and December 15, 2020, period I was from 10/1/2020 to 11/15/2020 while period II was from 11/15/2020 to 15/12/2020. The design used was a completely random design (CRD) where two treatments were compared in two periods; a daily treatment (TD) where the cows consumed the grass in semi daily plots and a long occupation treatment (TOL) where the cows consumed the same plot for 3 to 5 days. In the first period the animals grazed twice a day (morning and afternoon) while in the second period the animals grazed only in the afternoon. The diet for both treatments was the same during both periods. Each treatment consisted on an average of 270 multiparous cows that started the experiment with an average of 56 days in milk, 2.8 calvings and an average live weight of 486 kg. The variables analyzed were: milk production and composition, pastures growth rate, of dry matter intake and behavior. As a general result there were no statistically significant differences found in terms of milk production (26,4 kg/cow/d) and composition between treatments, although there were between periods, which was expected given the decrease in the milk production curve. Regarding the growth rate of the grass (64 kg DM/ha/day), no differences were found between treatments nor were there differences in behavior and intake of dry matter between the animals of both treatments. We can conclude that the difference between semi-daily plots or plots of 3 to 5 days of occupation do not present differences in terms of milk production or pasture growth, the second being an option that would benefit the farmer easing the daily management and reducing the cost of production.