Actualización de la base de datos de condición corporal en la raza Angus de Uruguay
Aberdeen Angus, beef cattle, cond_corp, body conditionSynopsis
The objective of this work was to update the existing cond_corp database for the Aberdeen Angus breed. For this purpose, images were captured using cellular phones, which were then classified to form the new database of the program.
The field work was carried out at the Los Macachines farm, located near the town of Tupambaé, in the department of Cerro Largo. A total of 186 Angus cows from two different lots were used. An average of 6.45 photos were taken per cow, recorded individually while they were in the stump box.
Subsequently, from the desktop, the photos were evaluated and each was assigned a body condition score using a scale of 1.5 to 6.5 with intervals of 0.25 units. The images were organized into 20 folders and incorporated into the cond_corp program, totaling 186 new photos. For the creation of the new visual appreciation primer, representative images were selected for each score, adding the intermediate scores (2, 2.5, 3...6).
The updating of the database and the visual appreciation chart provides valuable tools to help producers in making decisions in the management of their breeding herds.