Gestión espacial y temporal de la intensidad de pastoreo y su relación con los resultados productivos y económicos: Estudio de cuatro sistemas de cría vacuna sobre campo natural del este de Uruguay
family farming, natural grasslands, grazing intensity, spatial and temporal management of grazingSynopsis
Family livestock systems on natural grasslands in Uruguay are socially, economically and environmentally relevant. The absence of spatial and temporal grazing management throughout the year on the farms impacts the reproductive, productive and economic results. This study aimed to analyse the relationship between grazing intensity, grazing management practices and productive and economic indicators. We used a systemic approach and the case study as a research methodology. This approach allowed describing the management practices implemented by the systems, quantifying the spatial and temporal distribution of grazing intensity based on forage height, and identifying how grazing intensity is related to the results obtained. It was identified that the best reproductive and economic results are related to the systems categorized as managers. All livestock systems have ample room to improve productive y economic results by managing grazing intensity at time and space.