Bibliographic correction steps

By resolution of the Consejo of Facultad de Agronomía No. 52 of July 4, 2022, the new bibliographic correction procedure is as follows:


Step 0: (optional) the tutor may choose to make content corrections within the platform. In this way, all communications between students and tutors can be recorded and dated by the system. For this, we ask you to contact us at

Step 0.5: Prior to beginning the bibliographic correction, the students must have gone through a 2 hour training session carried out by the Library's training team. This will be offered twice a month and content will be taught in relation to the formal aspects of the TFG, the APA bibliographic standard, plagiarism, Creative Common licenses and the use of the OMP platform. If necessary, and at the request of students and tutors, other training courses may be added. The training instance requires prior registration at the following link.

Step 1: Beginning of the bibliographic correction. The TFG will be received by the library's team when the writing process has been completed. In other words, incomplete TFGs will no longer be accepted. The correction will focus on i) page size and margins (requirement for subsequent publication) and ii) citations and references. It is necessary to mention that no spelling, grammatical, style or similar corrections will be made. The librarians will have 48 hours to initiate communications with the students. Within this step, all the communications that are necessary will be carried out until the total correction of the TFG is achieved. All these can be seen by tutors.

Step 2: Defense of the TFG. At the end of the correction, Bedelia will be notified of the authorization of the TFG for its defense.

Step 3: Bibliographic corrections that may arise from the defense. Students will have a period of 10 business days to make these corrections.

Step 4: Access and Publication Permissions. After the defense, a form will be sent to all students to select their preferred access permission for their final TFG (open access, editorial embargo, or restricted access). The form will be based on the one created by the Colibri team (the institutional repository of the University of the Republic). Subsequently, and according to the chosen license, the TFG will be published on the TFG bibliographic correction site. This step is carried out simultaneously with Step 3.

Step 5: Library Certificate. Upon completion of Steps 3 and 4, students will be notified so they can begin the procedures required to obtain their degree.