Consumo y eficiencia de conversión en novillos Wagyu puros en un sistema de feed lot


Matias Nicolas Alzogaray Iguini
Juan Martín Gómez Montelongo
Facundo Olano Medero
Ana Carolina Espasandin


Wagyu, feed intake, feed efficiency, daily weight gain, Uruguay


The objective of this work was to evaluate the consumption and conversion efficiency of pure Wagyu steers with the addition of a lipid component in the diet. The database for this study was 32 animals belonging to the “El Oriental” cabin, located in the city of Mercedes, fed based on wet and dry diets. For the statistical study, analysis of variance and Tukey tests were performed and the data were analyzed using the MIXED and GLM procedures of the SAS program. The results obtained indicate that there are individual differences in consumption when they are fed the same diet, possibly explained by dominance relationships. Likewise, significant differences were found in food consumption when the steers present a change in the composition of the diet. On the other hand, it was not possible to conclude in relation to the conversion efficiency due to variability in consumption and weight gains.


2024 June 13


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