Estudio de biología y control de malezas gramíneas estivales


Martin Aceredo
Juan Agustin Mousques Ortiz
Juana Villalba


grasses, weeds, herbicides, stubble, summer crop


This study aimed to investigate the biology of three summer weed species and assess their control using various herbicides. To achieve these objectives, three experiments were conducted in March 2021.

In the first experiment, seeds of Echinochloa colona, Echinochloa crus-galli, and Chloris virgata were sown at four different planting depths, with vetch residue, rye residue, and without residue. The second experiment involved sowing the same species at a uniform depth and applying eight pre-emergent herbicides, along with a control treatment. In the third experiment, the plants were allowed to develop three true leaves before being thinned to four plants per pot, at which point six post-emergent herbicides and a control treatment were applied.

All experiments were conducted at the Mario Alberto Cassinoni Experimental Station (EEAC), Faculty of Agronomy (Udelar), located in the department of Paysandú, Uruguay. After planting and herbicide applications, emergence evaluations were performed to monitor plant development in Experiment 1, and to assess herbicide control efficacy in Experiments 2 and 3.

The results showed that shallow planting depths in Experiment 1 negatively impacted the species' emergence. For the post-emergent herbicides, two displayed poor control performance, while only one herbicide in Experiment 3 failed to control the target weed species effectively.


2024 December 20


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